Bylaws and Academic Council

The Academic Leadership Council is the governing body for the School of Professional Studies. SPS program directors are the voting members of the committee on decisions related to the school.

The Academic Leadership Council meets approximately monthly to discuss and decide on new program and course proposals, scholarships, probation, and policies and procedures.

The dean and associate deans serve as moderators and provide guidance. The dean's approval is required for course and program proposals.

Voting members:

  • Becky Achen (Professional Performance)
  • Jordan Atkinson (Organizational Communication & Professional Studies)
  • Gary Broils (Project Management)
  • Blake Bryant (Information Technology)
  • Rick Cameron (Engineering Management)
  • Mark Jakubauskas (Health Sciences)
  • Marilu Goodyear (Human and Organization Performance Effectiveness)
  • Brendan Mattingly (Applied Biological Sciences)
  • Stacey McIntosh-Lily (American Sign Language and Deaf Studies)
  • Jack Treml (Biotechnology)
  • Susan Whitford (Criminal Justice)
  • Rochelle Young (Operations Management)

Non-voting members:

  • Stuart Day (Dean)
  • John Bricklemyer (Associate Dean)
  • Dannah Hartley (Assistant Dean)
  • Amy Neufeld (Associate Dean)
  • Steve Werninger (Project Manager)

School Documents:



Meeting minutes from the Academic Leadership Council are available for public review:

Academic Year 2024-2025 meeting minutes

Coming soon

  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. 
    1. Motion: by Brendan to approve as is, 2nd by Becky
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  2. Approve January Consent Agenda.
    1. January 16 Consent Agenda  (Web view)
    2. Motion: by Brendan to approve as it, 2nd by Becky
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  3. ASLD (Stacey, 8 documents)
    1. What was proposed didn't pass - changes were made 
    2. Now proposing to transition back toward the original intent
    3. Proposed changes:
      1. BA/BGS degree req changes
        1. Reviewed
        2. ASLD 524 VGC proposed changes (BA/BGS related)
          1. reviewed
        3. ASLD 631 Adv ASL Lit proposed changes (BA/BGS related)
          1. Reviewed
      2. ASL Grad cert and course changes
        1. Reviewed
      3. ASL UG cert and course changes
        1. Reviewed
        2. ASLD 501 Intro to the profession (UG Cert related)
          1. Reviewed
        3. ASLD 607 Ethics and Professionalism (UG Cert related)
          1. Reviewed
      4. Motion to approve all as stated by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle
        1. All approve, none opposed
  4. Minor requirements proposal (Amy, 1 document)
    1. UG Minor verbiage to be added into the requirements tab within the catalog
    2. Common in other units to lay out basic expectations
    3. Motion: by Brendan to approve as it, 2nd by Blake
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  5. SPS Simplified Rules of Order (Becky, 1 document)
    1. Reviewed and discussion ensued
    2. Motion: by Brendan to approve as it, 2nd by Gary
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  6. OMGT Degree Reqs (Rochelle, 1 document)
    1. Conversation about the necessary Math, College Algebra versus Statistics
      1. Edits proposed to remove Statistics and reduce back to 36 credit hours
      2. Leaving the given Math pathway of College Algebra
    2. Motion: by Blake to approve as it, 2nd by Gary
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  7. ITEC Course Proposal, Grad Certs & Degree Reqs (Blake, 6 documents)
    1. BSIT Degree Reqs
      1. ITEC 490 repeatable 2x
    2. BASAC Degree Reqs
      1. Similarly simplified to a singular ITEC 490 repeatable
    3. MSIT Grad Degree
      1. Including a PMGT option in the reqs
    4. GC in Software Engineering
      1. Including a PMGT option in the reqs
    5. GC in Cybersecurity
    6. ITEC 890 course proposal - IT Capstone
    7. Motionto approve all as stated by Rochelle, 2nd by Jordan
      1. All approve, none opposed
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
  2. Approve Dec 19 Consent Agenda (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
  3. Review SPS Bylaws document (John, 1 document)
    1. Motion to Approve by Gary, Second by Becky, all in favor
    2. Send this out for review and hold a meeting by all SPS faculty in January.
  4. Review Robert’s Rules (John, 1 document)
    1. Discussion on why this is necessary
    2. In general, we will offer an Introduction to a Topic, open the topic for discussion, request any further discussion before opening a motion, take and record the motion, and then record the second and the motion results.
    3. An SPS simplified version of Robert's Rules will be adhered to strictly upon the request by any participating member, as attached. 
    4. Motion by Brendan to table the topic, 2nd by Rochelle, all in favor.
  5. HUOP Degree minor revision (Marilu, 1 document)
    1. Discussion about this change
    2. Motion to accept as is, 2nd by Rochelle, all in favor.
  6. Rename CRIM 457 from CSI Applied Crime Scene Techniques to  Forensic Science Techniques I (Susan)
    1. Motion by Brendan to deny, 2nd by Becky all in favor.
    2. Will need to retire at some time.
  7. Rename BTEC courses (Brendan)
    1. BTEC 520 from Forensic Techniques I to Forensic Science Techniques I
    2. BTEC 530 from Forensic Techniques II to Forensic Science Techniques II
    3. Motion to approve these course renames to include "Science" in the title, 2nd by Rochelle all in favor.
  8. Housekeeping Items (Amy)
    1. Second Read
      1. Steve and I to map out what that might look like procedurally
      2. When might 2nd reads be required?
        1. Specifically, anything moving to APCC
        2. Anything going into CIM
      3. May want to consider committing to a ~2year timeline before editing
        1. Cooling off period
    2. Incompletes
      1. If you have a student needing an incomplete… when is it appropriate?
        1. Small amount of work that can be completed in a short period of time
        2. Submit an incomplete form with the deadline.
        3. No central repository for managing these.
        4. We are exploring a Qualtrics solution for this
    3. Catalog Edits
      1. Thanks for the efforts so far on the catalog
      2. Admissions tabs have been taking longer. Will send emails tomorrow to begin reviewing those ASAP.
      3. UG Minors
        1. Some refer to a residency requirement for completion at KU
          1. None currently require any "residency"
          2. Most require a 9CH req, are we okay with adding this to all of ours?
          3. Most seem to require a 2.0 GPA.
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Becky, All in favor
  2. Approve Nov 21 Consent Agenda (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rick, All in favor
  3. HUOP Course Proposals (2 documents, Marilu)
    1. Question about HOPE versus HUOP course prefix
    2. Question about 845, not to offend the SPAA program - Marilu believes they aren't worried about this. Different constituency
    3. Motion to approve both as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Susan, All in favor
  4. CRIM Course Proposals (6 documents, Susan)
    1. CRIM 423 - strike "In Search of the Truth" from the title
      1. Motion to approve as is with title edit by Brendan, 2nd by Becky, All in favor
    2. CRIM 357 - Investigation, Evidence, and Interviewing
      1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Blake, All in favor
    3. CRIM 458 - Child Victims / Forensic Interviewing
      1. Spell out the definition of the FIRST acronym
    4. CRIM 460 - Forensic Profiles: Inside the Violent Mind
      1. Get rid of the use of "therapy"
      2. Strike "this course takes you through the looking glass"
      3. Make sure another instance of the use of Child in the description
      4. Motion to approve these two above with edits by Mark, 2nd by Brendan, All in favor
    5. CRIM 405 - Bribes, Bias and Betrayal: Corruption in the CJ System
      1. Part of Leadership & Ethics concentration
      2. Strike part of the title
    6. CRIM 388 - Innocence Lost: The Truth Behind Wrongful Convictions
      1. Re-edit title
      2. "Wrongful Convictions : Causes and Consequences"
      3. Inclusive Populations or independent elective
      4. Motion to approve these two above with edits by Brendan, 2nd by Becky, All in favor
  5. Discuss SPS Bylaws (1 document, John)
    1. Conversations were held and edits suggested
    2. To be revised and brought back
  6. BTEC Course Proposals (3 documents, Brendan)
    1. BTEC 430 - Evidence Handling and Testimony in the Courts
      1. Would my IT/Cyber students be able to take this? -- Yes, no Prereq
    2. BTEC 520 - Forensic Techniques 1
      1. CRIM 355 - Crime Scene Investigation
    3. BTEC 530 - Forensic Techniques 2
      1. PreReq - 1 semester of College Biology, 1 semester of College Chem AND Forensic Science 1
    4. Motion to approve these three above as is by Gary, 2nd by Blake, All in favor
  7. ITEC 302 Course Name Change (1 document, Blake)
    1. Introductions to programming
      1. Change to Introduction to Python, Algorithms, and Data Structures
        1. Would prefer to remove "Intro to"
      2. Motion to approve title as "Python, Algorithms, and Data Structures" by Brendan, 2nd by Becky, All in favor
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Becky, All in favor
  2. Proposed Grad Degree Template (John, 1 document)
    1. Motion to accept by Rochelle, 2nd by Brendan, all approved
  3. Consent Agenda use (John)
    1. Requires more effort to read content in advance, coming prepared to vote on that content
    2. Discussion on what content should be addressed on a consent agenda
      1. Items such as Course name changes, Course descriptions, and Course Prereq
      2. Anyone has the right to bring a topic from the consent agenda to the floor
      3. Steve will remind PDs to review the consent agenda and alert him if any need to come to the floor by the same Monday EOB timeline
    3. Motion to accept the use of the consent agenda by Jordan, 2nd by Rochelle with notes below
      1. All in Favor, none opposed
  4. Course Proposal PFS 415 “AI in the Workplace” (Jordan, 1 document)
    1. Considering the course title, "AI & Innovation in the Workplace"
      1. Planning to be a full 16-week course
    1. Motion by Rochelle to approve, 2nd by Brendan as "AI & Innovation in the Workplace"
      1. All in favor, none opposed
  5. Revision to Environmental Health Minor (Mark, 1 document)
    1. Motion by Rochelle to approve with changes, 2nd by Jordan
      1. All in Favor, none opposed.
  1. Updates:
    1. Randy has accepted a position elsewhere - BioNexus (KC Metro) coordinating work between industry and education
      1. Very likely strong proponent of our programs
  2. Welcome to Marilu! (Stuart/Amy)
    1. Welcome back - through May 2025 for HOPE
    2. Human and Organization Performance Effectiveness
  3. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve) 
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Jordan, All in favor
  4. Proposed Grad Degree Template (Amy for John, 1 document)
    1. A group worked together to develop these, will expand next time with John
  5. UG Degree definitions (Amy, 1 document)
    1. Amy talked through and reviewed the content in this document
    2. Having this will be required to have a name change, for example, to move from a BAS to a BS
      1. Specifically the pending change of the BAS in BTEC to BS in BTEC
      1. Motion to approve UG degree definitions for SPS as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Jordan, All in favor
  6. Changes to the Prof Perf major (Becky, 1 document; revision from the previous submission that was approved).
  7. A minor in Prof Perf (Becky, 1 document)
    1. Simplifying to a single minor from four previously proposed, not requiring to go to KBOR
      1. PFS 300, 500, 501, and 502 + two optional electives (total of 18 hours)
    2. Could the minor be completed in a year?
      1. Yes
    1. Motion to approve the PFS Minor as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
  8. Seven course proposals (Becky, 7 documents)
    1. Courses: PFS 110, 500, 501, 502, 505, 550, 555
    2. What will the sequencing look like?
      1. Requisite/corequisites?
    3.  Motion to approve all six courses as is with no edits by Rochelle, 2nd by Jordan, All in favor
  9. 3 BTEC minors (Brendan, 3 documents)
    1. Minors in R&D, Forensic Science, and Biomedical Sciences
    2. Previously we presented 3 concentrations, now we're presenting these as Minors
      1. These will be minors that support the future BS in BTEC
      2. The SCH range for Minors allows for the hours desired, where concentrations were more restrictive
      3. Will there be lab analytics?
        1. Not at this time
        2. We can ask Rebecca Vincent if that might be helpful/necessary.
      4. Does an Advisory Board exist?
    3.  Motion to approve 3 minors as is with no edits by Rochelle, 2nd by Becky, All in favor

Academic Year 2023-2024 meeting minutes

  1. John's announcements:
    1. Stuart not able to be here - Provost retreat
    2. Watch the Chancellor's video from this week
    3. Need to consider a larger room for future meetings!
    4. SPS Assessment this year - hopefully Gina, and Josh can come out to Edwards
  2. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Jordan, All in favor
  3. Technical Leadership Program & Grad Certs proposal (Rick, 3 attachments)
    1. Presentation by Rick of PPT file
    2. The core is largely coming from EMGT cores and PMGT/PFS electives
      1. Would OMGT be included?
      2. This seems to not include OMGT, so students may not be a good fit
      3. Looks attractive to BSIT students, I like that it's not requiring field prereqs
        1. How do you diff between PMGT/TLDR/PFS degrees?
        2. Worry about the TLDR, maybe TCLD or TLD
      4. Might there be a grad cert that could support other MS degrees?
      5. Could this be more flexible to other programs
        1. Yes, I'm open to making it less prescriptive to allow more flexibility
      6. Can we approve as is and change the curriculum?
    3. Motion by Mark to approve as is with course edits to be made, 2nd by Gary - 9 in favor, one (1) opposed
      1. John needs more data supporting enrollment
      2. Meeting to take place with program directors before Sept APCC meeting
  4. Grad Cert Proposal by Rick
    1. Informational only, this added the course numbers in place
    2. Same as what was presented before, so this needs to get to APCC before October '24
  5. PFS 805 course proposal, Digital Storytelling (1 attachment, Jordan)
    1. Presentation from Jordan
    2. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
    3. Discussion on topic 20 minutes
    4. Motion to approve by Susan, 2nd by Rochelle - all in favor none opposed
  6. Proposed Grad Degree Template (John, 1 attachment)
    1. Bumped due to time
  7. Prof Performance Course & Minor proposals (6 attachments, Becky)
    1. Presentation by Becky for change to the program <25% change
      1. Program Change is informational
    2. Minor in Health and Fitness Coaching presentation
    3. Conversation on topic, 10 minutes
    4. Minor in Content & Influencer Entrepreneurship
      1. Any field, any industry
      2. This is more for anyone with experience or lifestyle but need to know how to monetize it.
    5. Minor in Visual & Performing Arts
      1. Business models are somewhat different than those streaming or influencing
      2. Crossover with COMS, ASLD, or Music & Film
      3. (Stuart, by John) Might want to look at Jewelry as another option to focus on?
    6. Minor in Sports Career Development
      1. How to better set athletes up for how to set up
      2. (Randy) Have you considered some Poly Sci options?
      3. (Mark) I like what you've done with many of the minors
        1. My only problem with this one
    7. Motion to approve all four minors as is with no edits by Randy, 2nd by Jordan, All in favor, none opposed
  8. PFS 110 for Prof Perf - Icons & Influence
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Randy, 2nd by Blake, All in favor
  9. ASLD Minor proposal (1 attachment, Amy)
    1. Logical addition although not with parent named program
    2. Discussion ensued
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Rochelle, 2nd by Blake, All in favor
  10. UG Degree definitions (1 attachment, Amy)
    1. presentation
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve) 5 minutes
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
  2. Student Recruitment efforts (Kim Warren, Vero Rodriguez-Mendez, Anna Balmilero, and Michael Chavez) 20 minutes
    1. It had been mentioned needing to get the recruitment and transfer team out to Edwards to increase awareness of the SPS programs
  3. SPS Proposal for BS Nutrition (Mark J, 3 attachments) 15 minutes
    1. Proposed 15 people in the minor, and we're at 88
    2. Been working with Dietetics program in KUMC, helped drafting this proposal
      1. Designed to plug into the MS program in nutrition
      2. Designed with Deb Sullivan, pd of Nutrition in KUMC
    3. Only nutrition in metro
    4. MO State, UM, U Nebraska, K-State (Health & Human Sciences)
    5. Discussion ensued on topic
  4. Susan: Motion to approve as is, 2nd by Brendan. All in Favor, none opposed
  5. Proposed Grad Degree Template (John, 1 attachment) 15 minutes
    1. Pushed to next meeting due to time restrictions
  6. Criminal Justice proposals (Susan, link to 30 docs) 20 minutes
    1. 22 course proposals, Criminal Justice Minor, PreReq CRIM 499 change, "Internship in Criminal Justice" course name change, "Leadership & Ethics in Public Service" concentration name change, and proposals for 6 new concentrations
    2. Q/A:
      1. Will Ss understand the differences between the different concentrations?
        1. No, we are training practitioners - not researchers
      2. Have you worked out an agreement with Sociology to offer courses
        1. Yes, a MOU is in place with SOC to offer their classes, can collaborate to consider alternatives as necessary.
      3. Are you comfortable to prune a concentration if necessary in time?
        1. Yes
    3. ​​​​​​​Motion by Brendan to approve the packet, 2nd by Mark - All in favor, none opposed​​​​​​​
  7. Technical Leadership Program proposal (Rick, 2 attachments) 15 minutes
    1. Time did not allow for him to continue
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to approve as is with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Rochelle, All in favor
  2. Scheduling next AY ALC meetings, same 3rd Thursday @ 1 pm pattern? (Steve)
    1. The same pattern is agreeable
  3. Review of proposed SPS Grading Scale Policy. (John)
    1. The reasoning for the percentage policy is consistency
      1. Reduce variable grading scales across different instructors
    2. Will this have an impact on graduating with distinction
    3. Brendan suggested perhaps it should be managed at the degree level, but perhaps not as a school-wide policy
      1. Susan agrees that it should be consistent across each program
    4. Much conversation ensued on the topic of how to apply a policy to the school and how it might be flexible to schools within
    5. Reviewed options for the policy that could be written to be selected by each program
    6. Amy & John to review and discuss - may return to this topic next month
  4. Change in degree completion requirement for MA in Organizational Communication, see attached (elimination of Comprehensive Exam option) (Jordan A)
    1. Choose a capstone project or complete a comprehensive exam - this is a vote to remove the comp exam
    2. Currently don't have access to chair a committee for a comp exam, but
    3. Grad studies also changing the coursework with an oral exam are going to largely require a larger mentorship role for those doing an oral exam.
    1. Motion to approve the removal of the comprehensive exam in the 2025 catalog
      1. By Rochelle, and 2nd by Rick
  5. Review of SPS Program Proposal Form (Amy)
    1. Shared link to SPS Team site
    2. SPS Council\SPS Academic Council channel\Program Proposal Templates
      1. Sequenced in order of action:
        1. 1, Proposal Template
        2. 2.1, Inquiry Form (DOC)
        3. 2.2, Inquiry Form (PDF)
        4. 3, CIM Proposal
        5. 4, KBOR proposal template
        6. APCC Program Proposal
      2. Amy walked through each document and how they are used and what might go into each field.

-Meeting was cancelled-

  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to accept with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Jordan
  2. CRIM Course and Concentration Change (Susan)
    1. <<CRIM Request_Concentration.And.Course.NameChange.docx>>
    2. LEL Concentration Name Change
      1. Amy will review with PUAD to ensure a change is agreeable
      2. Does it make sense to have a concentration of CJ Leadership in a program of CJ?
      3.  the word "Leadership" is overused and might be claimed already
      4. Criminal Justice Leadership & Administration as an option?
      5. CJ in the 21st Century?
      6. What are the specific courses that make this a concentration
      7. Proposal by Amy to hold on to the concentration and discuss with PUAD
        1. Also, this would allow for the inclusion of the other Course Name change for CRIM499
    3. CRIM 498 Course Name Change
      1. Criminal Justice Internship, from Internship in Law Enforcement
      1. Motion to approve CRIM 498 name change by Brendan, 2nd by Mark
        1. All in favor, none opposed
  3. ITEC 812 - adding back into the program (Amy/Blake)
    1. The previous one of the EECS  listing of courses was never was imported into the ITEC listing of classes
    2. Will punt on this topic for now and revisit it when necessary
  4. SPS Appointment and Promotion Committee update (John)
    1. Jordan has volunteered to chair
    2. Susan, Rick, Pingle, and Rochelle were selected as committee members
      1. Motion to approve that group, by Brendan and 2nd by Randy
        1. All in favor, none opposed
  5. BTEC BAS to BS change (Brendan/Randy)
    1. This will include an announcement to KU and then to KBOR
      1. Not anticipating a challenge by KBOR
    2. What is currently the App Biological Sciences, will become a new track in the newly formed BTEC program
    3. We may desire to re-add the BAS later in time for other concentrations down the road, for something like the Fermentation Sciences
    1. Motion to approve by Jordan, 2nd by Rick, voted as all approved
  6. Degree requirements definition discussion (Amy/John)
    1. Can we define what is necessary for BAS versus BS versus BA
      1. Maybe subject to school to define
    2. Seeking members for a committee to review and discuss
      1. Brendan, Rick, Amy (chair), John, Rochelle
  1. Review the previous agenda and approve or propose edits.
    1. Motion by Rochelle to approve with no edits, 2nd by Brendan and Amulya
  2. Selection of faculty review committee member(s), minimum 1 (see 3-21 Consent Agenda in advance for details, please)
    1. This is within the 2024 OneNote directory, so you can access it there when you go to review minutes 😉
    2. This is a proposal from John, but he cannot be at this meeting
    3. Agreement to send emails to Steve if interested in serving on the committee
      1. Rochelle and Susan self-nominated after a reminder on 4/4/24
  3. New HSCI course proposal for BHS degree (Mark & Brendan)
    1. Motion to vote by Randy, motion to accept the course as is with no edits by all, none opposed.
  4. Competency-based education conversation
    1. 45 minutes of conversation on topic
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to accept with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Blake
  2. Criminal Justice Concentration Proposals (Susan)
    1. Proposing 4 additions:
      1. Global Crime (FBI // Secret Service)
      2. Crime & Intelligence
        1. ITEC 412, may need a prereq Python ITEC course
      3. Crime Scene Investigation (Crime Lab)
      4. Inclusive Criminal Justice Populations (Victim Advocates)
    2. Currently have 2 conc
      1. Law & Society
      2. Law Enforcement Leadership
    3. Motion by Brendan 2nd by Jordan, none opposed
  3. Criminal Justice Course Proposals (Susan)
    1. CRIM 3XX: Critical Communications
    2. CRIM 3XX Ethical Issues
    3. Amy has a meeting with CLAS on Monday - will discuss
    1. Motion by Brendan 2nd by Mark J, none opposed
  4. BTEC & BSCI Merger Proposal (Brendan & Randy)
    1. Restructure with BAS Biotechnology
      1. Initially Biomedical Sciences & Research & Discovery
      2. Later to develop Forensic Science and Biomanufacturing
        1. -- then Fermentation Science potentially
      3. APCC reviewing proposed concentrations to be 12-18 hrs
    2. Conversation related to BAS Biotechnology versus BAS in Applied Biological Sciences
    3. John proposed that we should offer a BS in Biotechnology sometime
    1. Motion to approve the merger of the two science programs with concentrations
      1. By Mark, second by Susan - all in favor, none opposed.
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to accept with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Randy
  2. CRIM course proposals for review (Susan)
    1. Criminal Justice Ethics
      • Hold for motion - to do more research about other schools that may offer similar courses
        • Competitors: Arizona State John J State Florida Atlantic, regional: Washburn & UMKC
    2. Criminal Justice Communications
      • Communications might be similar to other comms classes
        • suggested looking at PFS 301
        • suggested increasing the differentiation for this course from others
        • suggested that the course be refined to be more specific as to the needs that are not traditional comms 101
        • You seem hyper-focused, maybe a topics course would be a good option to test out several topics, ensure you have the staffing, ensure you'll get enrollment
  3. Perhaps we want to review the course proposal process for ALC meetings?
    • Amy: Is this best suited for an elective or requirement; where does this fit into your program assessment
  4. SPS visibility in KU Lawrence Orientations, such as Rock Chalk Days (Stacey)
    • Looking at Rock Chalk Days - how could SPS increase our visibility there?
      • Maybe we want to look more at Transfer Rock Chalk Days as the clientele will be different.
      • Others mention struggles with marketing and barriers to student enrollment
      • Marketing working to redirect traffic toward the catalog…
        • Encourage you now to connect with Susan Motley to discuss website changes
      • How/when do we begin highlighting programs and maybe discuss classes that might be valuable to others?
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to accept with no edits by Blake, 2nd by Susan
  2. Review Maximum Credits for Full-time/Part-time and UG/Grad students to enroll at one time in a term (Amulya)
    1. One part-time student desires to enroll in 6 courses, 18 SCH in one semester
    2. Looking for a supportive policy
    3. John will take action to see if there is an SPS policy related.
  3. Change in Criminal Justice Concentration requirements from 9 to 12 credits 
    1. This will give the student a more in-depth look at their concentrations
      1. Law & Society
      2. Law Enforcement Leadership
      3. 4 more to come…
        1. Global Crimes (Fed Route), CSI Police Officers for Crime Scenes OR CSI Lab Sciences, Analysis & Intelligence, Inclusive Criminal Justice Populations (niche areas - Victim Advocacy)   -- all needing 12 credit hours
    2. This also seems to align with other leading CJ institution requirements for concentrations
    3. What do we know about the availability of these courses?
      1. Should be good and can be offered more frequently
    4. This also seems to be heading toward a university standard of 12 hours for concentrations that is in the works
    5. How many SCH for concentration for the BPS
      1. Those are all 18 hours
      2. Motion made by Brendan, seconded by Randy. All in favor/None opposed
  4. HSCI 365 Health Sciences
    1. Paramedic Transfer course proposal (Mark)
      1. Will allow those with AAS-P (Assoc Applied Sciences in Paramedic Services)
      2. To be promoted will need to BS or MS
      3. There isn't a transfer pathway from AAS to BS
      4. KBOR allows Credit for Prior Learning by Exam, national exams for paramedics
      5. The bucket would be HSCI 365 ~ Credit by examination in exchange for 25-30 hrs above the standard core classes.
    2. This seems similar to what we're doing with KLETC 12 hours into CRIM 
    3. Might adjust 25-45 flexible credit hours to approve, case by case
    4. How are these 30 hours going to fit into program completion? 
      1. Mark - will come in as HSCI 365 and will eat much of the HSCI elective reqs
      2. The HSCI cores will still need to be done
      3.  Motion by Brendan, 2nd by Amulya, All in Favor
  5. OMGT Course proposals – OMGT 4XX & Supply Chain (Rochelle)
    1. OMGT 4XX necessary component - Supply Chain Logistics
    2. OMGT 4XX - Customer Relationship Mgmt
      1. Motion by Brendan, 2nd by Randy, All in Favor
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Motion to accept with no edits by Brendan, 2nd by Blake
  2. KU Core 34 (Amy)
    1. CRIM 300 only 300-level on the statewide transfer list
    2. The only way we can have a course listed in the KU core - need to be listed as a prerequisite
    3. If there are some that we need, then we need to tie them to an upper-level course as prerequisites
    4. Need to bring a list to KBOR to show all of the exceptions we need, based on each program
      1. Need to be very granular
      2. MATH is being pulled out and set aside to be addressed later next year
    5. Kim Warren to have conversations related to the impact this might have on completion
  3. Eliminating Hyflex Classes, impact on SPS and non-SPS programs (Brendan)
    1. Are we okay to offer an online AND separate in-person, essentially doubling the load/cost
    2. What is the supportive information for WHY we're doing this?
      1. It is a FERPA violation to take students from one class and allow others to know about others
      2. Immunization issues for online students that have bypassed requirements to infect
      3. Availability of classes for F1 visa students can take a class listed as in-person but participate remotely
    3. John & Amy will see if they can get a representative from the registrar's office to come discuss this decision at the December program director meeting
      1. Can the registrar list the requirements for HyFlex to work?
      2. Deadline for Summer & Fall schedules online 3/7/23.
  1. Review and approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no edits necessary, motion by Rochelle, with 2nd by Brendan
  2. CRIM course proposals (Susan; 6 attachments)
    1. 100-level - lighten up the topic slightly
      1. This introductory elective is tailor-made for students who delve into the realms of criminal psychology
      2. CRIM 150 Exploring the Minds of Murderers: A Study … - reconsider the use of psychology in the title
    2. 2XX-level
      1. The Crimes and Criminal Activity of Bonnie and Clyde
        1. The Crimes of Bonnie & Clyde - rethink course title?
        2. Consider the use of "Case Study:…"
    3. Lawrence History - Study of Bootlegging in KS
    4. 3XX-level course "CSI: Fact vs. Fiction"
    5. 3XX-level course: Policing Effectiveness: Evidence-Based Approaches and Field Insights
    6. CRIM 350 (REQ) – Incarceration, Corrections Alternatives, Re-entry, Probation, and Parole
    7.  CRIM 495 – Special Topics in Criminal Justice
    8. Action: Rochelle has made a motion to approve with edits, second by Jordan
      1. All in favor - none opposed
  3. PMGT UG Course proposal (Amulya; 1 attachment)
    1. PMGT 550 – Project Management Internship
      1. 30 prior credits required // Acceptance in the PMGT program
        1. Completion of 12 credits in Project Management or approval of instructor
      2. Action: Amulya has made a motion to approve with edits, second by Brendan
      3. All in favor - none opposed
  4. BHS Program changes – foundational science requirements (Mark J)
    1. Foundational science requirements: 
      1. From two semesters of introductory biology to one semester of introductory biology
      2. This will reduce the number of credit hours in Foundational Science requirements from 6-8 to 3-4;  we would ADD those 3-4 credits to Health Sciences Electives or General Electives.
    2. Will send verbiage to Mark to edit and forward along to Alisha Doan and others
    3. Action: Mark has made a motion to approve with edits, second by Brendan
    4. All in favor - none opposed
  5. PFS 304 Course proposal (John)
    1. Note that all courses referring to MATH 365 will want to edit to allow THIS course OR MATH 365
    2. Do we need to reconsider the pre-req being equal to MATH 365?
  6. Strike the comment: Not open to students with credit in DSCI 202, BIOL 570, MATH 365, MATH 465, MATH 526, or MATH 628
    1. Amulya made a motion to approve with edits to the prerequisites, second by Blake
    2. All in favor - none opposed
  7. Other thoughts:
    • Catalog edits are due by Sunday 9/30/23
    • Conflict of Interest Disclosures due
    • LA&S 262 questions
    • September 28 - Schedule of Classes goes live
  • Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    • Approved with no edits necessary, motion by Rochelle, 2nd by Blake
  • Review IT courses for development (7 attachments – Blake)
    • ITEC 302 - Intro to Programming
      • Motion by Rochelle, 2nd by Susan
      • All in favor none opposed
    • ITEC 303 - Discrete Math for IT Prof
      • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Randy
      • All in favor none opposed
    • ITEC 610 - Applications of Virtualized Systems
      • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Randy
      • All in favor none opposed
    • ITEC 611 - Practical Cryptography
      • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Amulya
      • All in favor none opposed
    • ITEC 612 - Applications of AI
      • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Susan
      • All in favor none opposed
    • ITEC 613 - Practical Scripting & Automation
      • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Randy
      • All in favor none oppose
  • RockChalk 5k – Oct 29, 2023 (Amy)
    • Many programs interested in setting up a table
    • How might we be able to increase student participation
      • Awards for winning the race or costume contest
      • Possibly a participation acknowledgment
  • PFS 304 Course proposal (John)
    • Will replace MATH 365
    • Benefit to bring more SCH into the school, and make it more accessible to the students
    • Very interested in adding this to their program also - love it
    • Would like to see this as an option for BHS & BTEC
    • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Blake
      • All in favor none opposed
  • OMGT Electives proposal (Rochelle)
    • Blake - should we offer as a 600-level?
    • Most Ss don't take 600-level and they need a set of electives
    • Rick: How do we know if there are enough Ss interested? I appreciate that you need to round out the program, and we need to begin within existing expertise and non-profit is one method to reach a broader audience
    • Grad SPAA offers a grad-level series on non-profit, so I'm excited to see it in UG also
      • OMGT 430 - Corporate Social Responsibility
      • OMGT 432 - Nonprofit Management
      • OMGT 434 - Management of Personal Intelligence(s) Managing People and Personalities
        • Do we need to rethink the name?
        • Maybe we could table this one and return it with a different title?
        • OMGT 436 - Applied Big Data Analytics in Operations Course Proposal
          • Might be a good add for Data & Analytics BPS emphasis
      • OMGT 438 - Service Management in Operations
      • OMGT 320 - request for course revision
        • Plan to drop OMGT 310 as a prereq
      • For the entire listing of 6 OMGT courses above, with marked changes:
        • Motion by Jordan, 2nd by Susan
        • All in favor none opposed
  • PMGT - working to develop two new courses
  • ITEC - Can we have a larger conversation about the development/creation of capstone courses?
  • Review course additions/changes that need to be submitted by the September 30th catalog deadline for undergraduate programs (John)

Academic Year 2022-2023 meeting minutes

  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. A reminder of the transition back to third Thursdays @ 1 pm beginning September. (Steve)
    1. Reminded, done.
  3. Introduce new Program Directors, Susan & Amulya (Kim & John)
    1. Welcome!
  4. Review edits to the Double-degree policy, attached (John)
    1. For edits made from past meeting sessions, see Attachment "SPS_Double…"
    1. Could they earn a cert in one of these concentrations so it would show on the diploma?
    2. We do not currently offer certs in the same areas of the concentrations.
      1. Can pursue that answer separately not impacting this policy.
    1. Motion to approve from Jordan, 2nd by Rochelle
      1. All in favor, none opposed.
  5. Discuss BSIT prerequisites. (Blake)
    1. Would like to add two courses we could teach at KU (Discrete Math, Intro to Programming)
    2. The Council approves making these edits to prerequisites, but needs to approve the new course development before presenting to the curriculum committee for approval.
    3. Blake will work to draft these courses for review at Sept meeting
    4. We have a long-term relationship with JCCC
      1. All agreed that we need to be sensitive to respect JCCC, while trying to be receptive to other 2YCs
    5. How do we fight the online notes alternatives impacting our courses?
    6. What if we feature a program at ALC meetings each month, or perhaps a longer meeting allowing all programs get together to do this in one session?
  • Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    • Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  • Introduction of the new program director for EMGT, Rick Cameron (John)
    • Welcome and introductions around the table
  • Introduction of the new program director for OMGT, Rochelle Young (Kim)
    • Welcome and introductions around the table
  • HSCI Course creation review and approval (Mark J)
    • HMGT 499:  Topics in Health Management  - 1-3 credits
    • DescriptionCourses on special topics in Health Management. These courses may be lectures, discussions, or readings. Students may select sections according to their special needs. Repeatable for credit if the topic varies.
      • HSCI 595:  Independent Study – 1-6 credits
    • Description:  Independent research or project in the health sciences under the direction of a faculty member.  Requires consent of faculty member. 
      • HMGT 595:  Independent Study – 1-6 credits
    • Description:  Independent research or project in health policy and management under the direction of a faculty member.  Requires consent of faculty member. 
    • Jordan A made the motion to approve
      • All in Favor, none opposed.
  • SPS Draft Policies (John // double-degree & concurrent attachments)
    • Double-degree
      • Modeled after CLAS
      • 15 hrs for second degree
      • Could you earn 2+ concentrations?
      • Could someone return within 10 years to earn a second degree for only 15 hours?
        • Add a note: minimum of 135 hours, please
        • Add note: Must meet minimum degree GPA rqs in each dept.
      • To be revised for approval at the next meeting
    • Concurrent App of Courses to Major & Minor
      • Do we need to invite Amea to the meeting to discuss the importance, decided No.
      • Brendan M made the motion to approve
        • All in Favor, none opposed.
  • BSCI Course Creation reviews (Brendan // BSCI attachments)
    • HSCI 315 duplicate as BSCI listing
    • 2nd request is for a BSCI capstone
    • Will use BSCI 315 and 415 to match listing across from HSCI should there be a desire to cross-list in the future
    • Blake B made the motion to approve
      • All in Favor, none opposed.
  • Student Orientation (John // Orientation attachment)
    • Attached ppt file
    • Info share on upcoming orientations
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. IST 205 replacement (see attached, Blake)
    1. IST 205 is currently a course in Business, and they have chosen to sunset.
    2. Needed by UG PMGT and Cyber
    3. Should this be PFS or ITEC?
      1. Either would be acceptable
    4. Process: If approved here, would go into CIM, Jean Reddeker would review and probably approve it since BUS is sunsetting.
    1. Motion to proceed as ITEC 301, by Brendan
      1. Voted all in favor, none opposed
  3. Reminder Blackboard access goes away this September (Steve/John)
    1. Just gentle reminder to review courses in Bb to ensure all of those by infrequent adjunct instructors could be overlooked
  4. Faculty Searches (Blake)
    1. Can we edit a position/contract after the position has been accepted?
    2. Blake has a "unicorn" faculty in the current recruitment process and is concerned he/she might be interested in a tenure track position or more service
    3. (Kim) acknowledged that the course load could be reviewed by the dean and adjusted to allow for more service, for example, but the position itself and tenure could not be adjusted.
  5. Upcoming Searches
    1. Ops Mgmt Program Director
      1. The process will be somewhat different based on both candidates being familiar with the campus so will streamline the process a bit - no on-campus presentation, for example.
  6. (Brendan) Asked about where we'd left off on the honors decisions for SPS
    1. Referenced the minutes from Jan 19.
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Presentation of Career Development Center vision for KU Edwards (15 min - Sara Chavez)
    1. Career Prep and Readiness for BHS and post-bacc students
    2. Noticing that career services are non-existent or not accessible at Edwards
    3. Often need to travel to Lawrence to leverage their services
    4. Limited staffing in order to support our students - particularly about our typical hours
    5. What might that look like?
      1. A look at appropriate attire
      2. A look toward a food pantry
      3. How can we extend that office to Edwards, not replicating
    1. Thoughts from faculty?
      1. Students still offer feedback that they don't feel like they're getting the services they need.
        1. Although very improved based upon the addition of Sara
      2. Shared vision - all of biology & health sciences might share a career exploration course
      3. Asking that the UCC continue to offer its services, but… add to the needs of Edwards
      4.  A look at what jobs are out there, what skills are necessary, networking, TED talk-like series (SEC-KC)
      5. KU offers a lot of finding/identifying services available for students
      6. Why aren't faculty doing these things?
        1. Perhaps we should explore if/when we're assigning a faculty coach to students?
      1. Discussion ensued
  3. Pros and Cons of SPS Tenure (15 min - Stuart) -- open discussion
    1. Some positions have two applicants, so we're still hiring good people, but we do have an issue with attracting quality applicants
    2. Concerns over equity - no requirement/expectation for both TT and NTT faculty
    3. There were strong feelings about cons for TT faculty in SPS
      1. I've been in both roles at KU
      2. At Lawrence, only TT are allowed to move into Dept Chair positions or greater
        1. Grants and Teaching Awards for TT positions only
        2. The addition of a research load, means less teaching load, so the cost is more for TT faculty
          1. This seems to establish a caste system for allowing program directors, supervision students, evaluating other TT faculty
      3. We set up SPS as NTT to avoid this
    4. I brought up this possibility because of the existing limitations to not having TT faculty - how can we look for growth of a program and full inclusion in the university
      1. I just want us to be able to participate in all areas - can we without doing TT faculty?
    5. I've convinced Lawrence that our faculty are equal
    6. Do we have the ability to define what TT looks like?
    7. Many who are completing a PhD won't consider a position at Edwards if it doesn't allow for TT
      1. We're not being equitable if we're not offering tenure lines
    1. We realize there is a caste system that brings advantages, do we leverage that or just dance around it
    2. Tenure is coming, what controls can we put in place that will allow us to take advantage, etc?
    3. I came from a TT role, and the fit here was better for me. I believe that a NTT position was a more attractive role. I'm not interested in a TT position. I think that it would be preferable for us to create the policy in the school prior to beginning this TT offering, so we could set the guidelines on how best to manage and interact
    4. Trying to learn how can I lure in the faculty I want to teach in our program with a PhD, who doesn't desire TT.
  4. Blake intends to put together a new course that will meet the needs of two different programs.
  5. Petition to add additional math options for BPS (Jordan A.- attachment)
    1. Meeting recently on the annual review, requirement for MATH 365
      1. Could we broaden this to allow PSYC 210 (Stats in Psych Research), BSAN 202 (Statistics), BSAN 302 (Quant Methods & Data Analysis), or LA&S 108 (Personal Numeracy)
      2. ITEC currently requires College Alg and Stats, in need of an alternative like a Discrete Math
    1. Motion to approve by Brendan, 2nd by Blake
      1. Voted All in favor, not opposed.
  6. Reconciliation of catalog and degree requirements & Degree Maps (Amy)
    1. Modified timeline to tighten up everything in the catalog, then the web, etc.
    2. They are doing catalog edits on September 1-30
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. A reminder on how to do that was shared
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Review plans for summer ’23 meetings and FY 24 meetings (Steve)
    1. Cancel or continue June-Aug?
      1. Reschedule for Tuesdays @ 1 pm for June, July and August
    2. FY 24 meetings – 1.5-hour meetings, same pattern acceptable?
      1. Resume FY24 meetings on third Thursdays through May 24
  3. Graduation Updates (Amy N)
    1. RSVP to Ashley Kalatusha if you're late, passed the deadline already
    2. There are some loaner regalia if you need them.
    3. Do we need a plan for Sunday SPS?
    4. Plans for banner carrier this time - Blake?
    5. Guidance will be coming on the process for Saturday grad plans
      1. Also the process of how to perform the hooding ceremony
    6. No requirements for regalia, up to the faculty on whether to wear it or not.
      1. Most performing in commencement typically decide to wear regalia if performing hoodings
  4. Review of draft SPS policy:
    1. Tested Experience Policy for Professional Studies Faculty Credentials
      1. An example is from the School of Music, adapted for our use
      2. There is still time to review and propose edits
      3. Requirements are surprisingly open, mostly only asking for > 3 years of relevant experience
    2. This was put forward by John to begin use in the current state
      1. Brendan provided a second
      2. All in favor, none opposed.
  5. Need for an Appointment and Promotion Committee (5 should be elected)
    1. Currently four faculty up for renewal.
      1. The first is due to Stuart by 5/9
    2. Three areas of determination to be completed: Research, Teaching, and Service
    3. Five nominated, and elected - all in favor, none opposed:
      1. Brendan Mattingly, to act as initial chair
  6. SPS needs drafts by Fall for Promotion Practices
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Welcome, Blake
  3. Statewide General Education Framework (Amy)
    1. Slide share from Amy of KBOR buckets
    2. Discussion on which courses needed to be open to the university
    3. Concerns over the future of KU Core and the future of the KBOR Gen Ed frameworks
  4. Policy guiding credits for minors (John)
    1. Can courses count for both a degree and a minor - need a policy to define what is acceptable
      1. In this case, the OMGT degree plan has 2 courses in alignment with the PMGT minor
        1. PMGT 305 & 315
    2. CLAS allows up to one course to be applied to both.
      1. "It is 3:  Up to 3 hours of credit may be used to fulfill requirements for both the major and the minor."
      2. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Degree Requirements
    3. CERTS are usually managed differently, most allow for use in both certs AND degrees
    1. HOLD: research policy with an SPS policy proposal to this group to approve or edit
  5. Program Development (Amy)
  6. SPS Graduation Ceremonies (Amy)
    1. May 13th, Saturday
      1. Regalia is optional but encouraged
      2. UG @ 11 am
      3. Grad @ 2 pm
      4. We do plan to do a processional in Regalia this year.
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. The review process for collecting prerequisite & requisite changes. (“Active Enrollment” docs attached, Steve & Amy)
    1. Curriculum changes still need to be approved through this group.
    2. Edits to prereq/req are okay to be handled in this process moving forward so long as edits are approved through this council.
      1. That process is: to receive the listing of prerequisites and requisites for all SPS courses from the registrar/scheduling office then disseminate to the program directors for review to suggest and edits that are returned to Amy for compilation and submission back to the registrar.
  3. Should SPS adopt a ChatGPT policy? (“ChatGPT” & “AI” docs attached, John)
    1. Perhaps a review of Academic Integrity policy to ensure it's not exclusive of AI
    2. Support the appropriate use of educational tools
    3. Consider the addition of syllabus language to support use or not use in a class
  4. SPS Ac Program Review draft schedule. (See attached, John)
    1. Scheduling 90-minute blocks
    2. Focus on items 1, 3, and 7 initially
    3. The plan will be to spread these across the coming years
  5. Academic Assessment checkpoint, submissions one week from tomorrow. (John)
    1. Reminder to submit - due 2/24/23
    2. Reminder to copy submission reports to
  6. Notice about upcoming syllabi retention project
    1. Mid-April timeline
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Updates (Stuart)
    1. Meeting with Provost – 2 items
      1. Equal Pay bumps for faculty when promoting, funded by the Provost's office
      2. Rough go of getting the CJ program through KBOR (3 No votes)
  3. Review the revised SPS Annual Program Review proposal, attached (John)
    1. Voted in favor of moving forward with this and not waiting for KBOR reviews to resume.
    2. It was suggested that a "checklist" of things for program directors to do in a recurring fashion be developed: personal reviews, academic assessments, KBOR reviews, peer teacher reviews, etc.
    3. These would replace the traditional program reviews done by CFAA in the past.
    4. Perhaps a yearly schedule and listing of resources to support.
      1. Take action on an implementation plan for these items.
    1. Motion by Brendan, 2nd by Brendan, and approved by all.
  4. Honor Roll (Amy)
    1. Current verbiage says "12 hours" to be eligible for Dean's List in existing policy.
    2. Can we adjust to something more realistic for our students?
    1. Motion by Randy is 3.75 for 6 hours within any given semester, 2nd by Brendan
      1. All in favor, none opposed.

Meetings were not held as they were scheduled during the winter holidays.

  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    1. Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Annual Program Reviews (John) [attachment]
    1. This has been proposed to the DDDC committee for review, subject to change
      • Also a guide is to come on how to complete each section
    2. Items 1, 3, & 5 for this year 2022-23
    3. Items 2, 4, 6 next calendar year 2023-24
    • Proposal that is be done across three years
      • Concerned that this on top of the assessment demands
      • John will look toward 2 sections per year, phased across three years
    • John will come back with more information next month.
      • Will attempt to obtain multiple copies for comparative review
  3. Course Capacities (John)
    1. We should be aiming for 40 on UG course capacities, clearly there will need to be some flex to this: labs, for example; then 25 on grad course capacities
    • "I think this is setting programs up for a sucker-punch. " Many programs don't have 40 MAJORS, let alone filling a class with 40 students.  But I could see this be used to target programs with "insufficient enrollment" of only 25 or 30... "your course aren't filling, cut your program"
    • Is it going to be problematic by seeing courses with 40 cap feeling partially full with 20 - are they going to be seen as "half-full" -- worried this is going to be used against a program and be detrimental to a programs' existence
    • Where is there a purpose for standardization of class sizes?
      • This was a desire to see some consistency within SPS
    • Would this lead to poor class offering in aim to fill classes, but to the detriment of students?
    • I see that it would be good to see some standardization
    • I see a higher number as a reduction of barrier - please feel free to enroll.
    • I have seen other schools go after some programs due to low enrollment
    • Program directors could really benefit from a presentation on the strategy and tactics used for enrollment management.
    • The CLAS is using 6 & 12 as minimums
    • Let's look at this from a portfolio approach, balancing the low with the higher enrollment classes
      • I think that the portfolio approach is really the only way to do this.
    • Maybe our focus shouldn't be an emphasis on enrollment, but let's not limit our enrollment if we have students desiring access
    • I do feel we should have "a number" as a working goal - this is what we should expect in an UG and Grad course.
    • Point being, with the 4-year and 8-year reviews, most other departments have enough faculty to farm out the work.  Most of us are 1 or 2 person programs, so any work that is assigned, we have to carry the whole load.
  4. Accreditation Reminder/Update – 2/24/23 (Steve)
    • Attachment shared, for consideration as a reminder
    • John will assume the task of pulling together an event or two around
  5. Strategic Planning (Stuart)
    1. Latest version reviewed
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    • Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  2. Strategic Vision (Stuart)
    1. Unionization
      1. Conversation is good, many positive experience with unions
      2. Empowered faculty is generally a positive thing
    2. Development of Vision & Mission
      1. Vote for leadership to develop these (voted for by Randy, Brendan, Mark, Jordan), then presented to council
      2. Stuart agreed to have leadership develop this and then hold something along the lines of a listening session for feedback.
      3. Will also discuss a timeline for review of these
  3. Departmental Honors for SPS
    1. Has long been a recruitment effort for students, desiring an honors designation
    2. Each program will need to determine metrics (in alignment with University Honors)
      1. Needs to be a rationale supporting the metrics
      2. Usually also a GPA and a special project and/or capstone course
      3. Should be an approved process by the ALC
      4. Current departmental Honors program only applies to UG programs
      5. There is also a GPA-based SPS honor cord, this would be a mark of distinction
      6. In addition, the question is if we select to do program-level honors.
      7. Perhaps warrants a future conversation by a larger group to determine if valuable
  4. Reminder: ALL online programs within SPS must have a completed QM review
    1. Rubric used by CODL to evaluate:
    2. Online = for now is qualified as any course without any in-person elements
    3. Would it be desirable as program director to be able to see all courses QM reviews?
      1. Wondering if, perhaps, some instructors might entirely disregard the feedback although completing the reviews.
      2. John will request these for all SPS reviews to program managers
  5. Program Development - bumped up based upon time (Amy)
  6. Probation Holds (Amy)
    1. Few new question about how do we support probational students
    2. Do we want to complete probation action plans - with potential impact of a HOLD until completed
    3. Might look like:
      1. Letter from Amy designating probation
      2. Req'd meeting with coach to complete the action plan
      3. Advisor can release hold
      4. IF student completes quickly, HOLD can be avoided
    4. Any financial burdens on a student based upon probation (Kim)
      1. Based upon timing, could impact financial aid (Amy)
  7. Request for a common calendar/list of dates for both SPS AND non-SPS depts – such as an Academic Calendar with scheduling dates, annual review dates, breaks, etc. (Steve, from Faculty Steering)
    1. More Edwards facing dates: program evaluations, budget timelines, scheduling dates,
    2. Admin agrees that this should be done that will serve program leaders
      1. Great project for John's team
      2. Can be a project that can take on a life of its own
    3. Kim shared the School of Social Welfare "intranet" calendar within SharePoint
  1. Approve prior meeting minutes. (Steve)
    • Approved with no updates/edits to be made
      • Reminder on how to access those minutes
  2. Faculty Class Visits (Stuart)
    • Hoping to hear more about visits, and noting those in HubSpot
    • Just JCCC and KCKCC or are others permitted?
      • In general, most Ss come from JCCC
      • Open to other ideas
    • Can we make HS connections?
      • I think it's hard to maintain a relationship from HS
      • I think that it's important to engage the ASL students so that they're prepared to come to Edwards
      • Find a way to go through a pathway to come to us with a specific model/plan in mind.
  3. Review Bachelors of Criminal Justice (John, see attachment)
    • Complete proposal to APPC
    • Need vote of approval/support from this committee to proceed
    • Aiming for 150CHs in the first year
    • Designed to be online & hybrid
    • Is this a JCERT program?
      • Yes
    • Will there be competition with Wichita State, will there be pushback?
      • I suspect that there will be some, yes, both Wichita State and K-State
        • We have an alignment with KLETC
    • I'm thinking of political pushback. I'm thinking we must have done a market assessment.
      • We're focusing on several top 10 degrees: Criminal Justice, HRM, Business in Ops Mgmt
      • It looks like this is a need that people are requesting, more than us just trying to put something together.
    • Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  4. SPS Policy discussion: Short Course Calendar (John)
    • Based upon conversation from PD2 meeting
    • KU does not have a standard calendar for these, but there was some thought that SPS could do this.
    • I support short course schedule consistency by establishing a calendar
      • Agreed
    • Heather makes motion that we take action to put calendar together for SPS guidelines, Brendan seconds
      • Approved with no updates/edits to be made - Steve
  5. Student Recruitment Initiatives (Amy)
    • Discussion ensued
    • More to come
  6. List of Programs in Development (Amy)
    • Active:
      • BAS Applied CyberSec
      • BS/BAS Criminal Justice
      • BAS Ops Mgmt
      • Applied Data Analytics
      • Minor - Health Policy & Mgmt
      • Minor - Project Management
    • Less Active:
      • BS & BAS Project Mgmt - completed
      • BPS Prof Studies - completed
      • BPS Conc Health Policy & Mgmt, completed
      • BPS Conc Project Management, completed
      • BPS Conc Applied Cyber, focus on the BAS in Cyber first
      • Minor in Clinical Trials - completed
      • Minor in Env Health - completed
      • Grad Cert in Professional Mgmt - complete
    • Are we focusing on UG?
      • We're taking and working through viable options for us, we are exploring some in Grad realm.